MTT to Provide Update on IMS Event on 1 May 2020

MTT to Provide Update on IMS Event on 1 May 2020

The IEEE MTT-S President, Alaa Abunjaileh, has released a statement providing an update on the society activities and services during these turbulent times.

According to Abunjaileh’s statement, some of IEEE MTT-S conferences, that were scheduled in the first half of the year have been postponed. Though, the organization’s flagship conference, the IMS2020 and Microwave Week, scheduled to take place in Los Angeles from 21-26 June 2020, is proceeding as planned. Since the outlook of the COVID-19 Outbreak is still unclear, the IEEE MTT Society will be providing a further update on the 1st of May 2020 to make a determination of next steps based on available options.

Most MTT-S graduate and undergraduate scholarship support, webinars and publications are running on schedule, with limited delays in some processes due to closures. 

The MTT-Sat Challenge is also on track and the Phase 2 will be launched this year. IEEE is seeking proposals from Phase 1 participants as well as newcomers. The deadline has been extended until the 15th of June to allow participants more time to prepare their submissions, further details can be found on our website.

The current circumstances have forced many of IEEE chapters to cancel their meetings and events. The organization is thus encouraging chapters and members to make use of virtual tools to minimize disruption wherever possible.

Following governments guidelines it has been decided to put the Distinguished Microwave Lecturer program on hold. Unfortunately this goes against the organization efforts to expand this successful program, however the safety of members is paramount. In the mean time, IEEE MTT-S is exploring the option of virtual DML talks and will post updates soon.

The IEEE is committed to supporting the global response with direct access to various articles available to assist in the management of today’s pandemic. These articles are now free to access on IEEE Xplore.

So we will have to wait till 1 May 2020 for an update on weather the conference will take place, get cancelled or postponed to a later date.

You can always visit the IMS 2020 event page on everything RF to get the latest updates about the conference and exhibition.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Coronavirus