What are 0.8 mm Connectors?

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- everything RF

Apr 17, 2021

The 0.8 mm Connector interface was developed by Anritsu to address the need for device characterization above 110 GHz (covering the D-Band). The 0.8 mm connector has been designed to operate at frequencies up to 145 GHz with single-mode performance.

Over the last few years, the W-Band (75 to 110 GHz) has been used for a wide range of applications that include automotive radars and wireless backhaul solutions. The 1.0 mm connector interface had been designed for these applications and can operate up to 110 GHz. However, as we start to explore applications that operate at frequencies above 110 GHz, there is no coaxial interface solution.

The only option available is to move to a waveguide interface. Though waveguide solutions provide very low loss interface, they are not optimal as they are difficult to interface/handle and can not be used for broadband frequency measurements. Due to this, coaxial connectors are the preferred interconnect solution. These connectors can also be used to run a single-sweep across a wide frequency band that is very often required for Test & Measurement applications. Waveguide interfaces have limited bandwidths and thus can not be used to run very broad frequency sweeps. The impedance matching at interfaces is also more accurate and easier with coaxial connectors as compared to when transitioning from a coaxial to waveguide interface. The 0.8 mm connector is ideal for high frequency applications ranging from components to systems and instrumentation.

Key Features

  • Excellent RF Performance to 145 GHz
  • 50 Ω Impedance
  • Low VSWR
  • Broadband Load for Instrument and Device Under Test

Anritsu has created a series of male and female non-hermetic 0.8mm connectors, male and female broadband 0.8mm terminations and in-series 0.8 mm adapters. These 0.8mm interconnects are well suited for high frequency applications ranging from components to systems and instrumentation.

Click here to view 0.8mm Interconnect solutions on everything RF.