Sub-6 GHz 5G vs mmWave 5G: A Comparative Analysis

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Sep 16, 2024

As 5G technology evolves, it’s shaping the future of wireless communication by offering faster speeds, lower latency, and enhanced connectivity. However, not all 5G is the same. The two major frequency bands for 5G networks - Sub-6 GHz and mmWave - bring distinct strengths and limitations. Understanding the differences between them is essential to grasp the broader 5G landscape. This article compares 5G Sub-6 GHz and mmWave, highlighting their technical aspects, use cases, and trade-offs faced during deployment.

Sub-6 GHz 5G vs mmWave 5G

Frequency Range

The primary difference between Sub-6 GHz 5G and mmWave 5G is their operating frequencies.

Sub-6 GHz 5G spectrum includes both low-band (below 1 GHz) and mid-band frequencies (1 GHz to 6 GHz). Low-band frequencies excel at covering large distances and offer strong signal penetration, making them ideal for broad coverage. Mid-band frequencies balance coverage with faster data rates, providing better performance than low-band but still covering substantial areas. This frequency band is also known as the FR1 Frequency Range.

mmWave 5G Operates at ultra-high frequencies between 24 GHz and 52 GHz. This delivers very fast data transmission but has a shorter range and struggles to penetrate obstacles like buildings or trees. This frequency range is known as the FR2 Frequency Range.

Speed & Data Rate

The speed and data rate is its most publicized advantage of 5G performance, but there are notable differences between the Sub-6 GHz and mmWave versions of 5G in terms of performance. Sub-6 GHz 5G speeds usually range between 100 Mbps and 700 Mbps, while mmWave 5G speeds can go above 1 Gbps. The below image is an example of real-world data that was collected in 2020. Since then both mmWave and Sub-6GHz speeds have gone up.

Coverage and Signal Penetration 

Sub-6 GHz 5G is known for its ability to cover large areas, especially in rural and suburban regions. It provides more reliable indoor and outdoor coverage due to its superior signal penetration. Fewer infrastructure investments are required to maintain consistent coverage over large areas. 

On the other hand, mmWave 5G, suffer from poor signal propagation and limited penetration through obstacles like buildings and foliage. As a result, 5G operating at high frequencies is not suitable for covering large areas. However, mmWave provides significantly higher speeds, data rates and has lower latency, providing better performance.

In short, Sub-6 GHz offers broader coverage and better signal penetration, while mmWave 5G can provide faster speeds but with limited range.


Low Latency is one of the key factors of 5G Technology. It is crucial for real-time applications like autonomous driving, VR and a number of other applications that are enabled by 5G. mmWave 5G outshines Sub-6 GHz 5G. See the image below. This was a test conducted by Ericsson in 2021/2022. Click here to learn more about latency in 5G.

Capacity and Device Density 

Both frequency bands can handle more devices than previous networks, but they perform differently under high user densities. 5G Sub-6 GHz supports more devices than 4G, but network performance can degrade in extremely dense environments like packed stadiums or busy city centers.

mmWave 5G on the other hand has been designed to excel in high-capacity scenarios with high device density, such as in crowded events, without sacrificing performance.

Cost and Deployment Considerations 

One of the major advantages of Sub-6 GHz 5G is its ability to leverage existing 4G LTE infrastructure, making it easier and more cost-effective for operators to deploy. Traditional cell towers can be used to cover large areas, resulting in lower deployment costs, especially for rural and suburban regions.

The deployment of mmWave 5G is more costly because it requires a denser network of small cells to ensure reliable signal coverage. This makes mmWave deployment practical only in specific high-demand urban areas, where operators can justify the higher investment.

Thus, Sub-6 GHz offers a more affordable, scalable option for mass 5G deployment, while mmWave requires greater investment but delivers exceptional performance in select areas.

Applications and Use Cases 

Both frequency bands support various use cases but are optimized for different applications. 

5G Sub-6 GHz: 

  • Mobile Broadband: Sub-6 GHz offers reliable mobile broadband services for consumers across urban, suburban, and rural areas. 

  • IoT (Internet of Things): It supports a high density of connected devices, making it ideal for smart cities, connected homes, and industrial IoT applications. 

  • Wide-Area Coverage: Sub-6 GHz is perfect for providing 5G service across large geographic areas, including rural regions. 

5G mmWave: 

  • AR/VR (Augmented and Virtual Reality): mmWave's ultra-low latency and high-speed data transmission are ideal for immersive applications. 

  • High-Density Areas: mmWave is best for environments like stadiums, airports, or city centers where many users need fast, reliable service simultaneously. 

  • Fixed Wireless Access (FWA): mmWave can serve as an alternative to fiber-optic broadband in urban areas, offering ultra-fast internet without the need for physical cabling. 

Conclusion: Sub-6 GHz vs. mmWave 

The comparison between Sub-6 GHz 5G and mmWave 5G isn’t about which one is superior but how they complement each other. Sub-6 GHz 5G ensures widespread coverage and reliable signal quality in diverse environments, from rural areas to cities while mmWave 5G focuses on delivering ultra-fast speeds in densely populated areas where high demand justifies its deployment costs.

A successful 5G network will likely rely on a combination of both technologies. Sub-6 GHz provides the foundation for nationwide coverage, while mmWave enhances performance in select areas where speed and capacity are most needed. Together, they will help realize 5G’s full potential, transforming industries and elevating everyday connectivity experiences.

Click here to learn more about Sub-6 GHz 5G.

Click here to learn more about mmWave 5G.
