BAP RFID Tags vs Active RFID Tags

What is the difference between Battery Assisted Passive RFID Tags and Active RFID tags?
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- everything RF

May 3, 2018

The main difference between BAP (Battery Assisted Passive) RFID Tags and Active RFID tags is that BAP tags only respond once the RFID reader sends it an RF Signal. Active tags on the other hand, can send out a signal to the RFID reader independently from time to time i.e even when there is no reader nearby. Active tags can even initiate the communication with an RFID reader.

Other differences between BAP RFID Tags and Active RFID Tags

  • Active RFID Tags usually have a longer battery life than BAP RFID Tags
  • BAP RFID Tags are usually disposable i.e once the battery runs out, the tags are replaced. The battery in Active RFID Tags can be replaced once over.
  • Active RFID Tags usually have a longer range than BAP RFID Tags
  • BAP RFID Tags are cheaper than Active RFID Tags