NATO Frequency Bands

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Aug 27, 2019

The NATO frequency bands nomenclature originated during world war II for military radar applications. The access to the spectrum for NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) operations is very essential for keeping high readiness and for the training of NATO and member nations’ forces.

In 2014, EU, NATO and the US signed NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA), which is the universal NATO common civil/military treaty to regulate the military access to the radio frequency spectrum in the range of 14 kHz to 100 GHz in peacetime, during exercises, in times of crisis, and for military operations. In this system, the boundaries of the frequency bands are distributed in a logarithmical fashion.

NATO Frequency Band
Frequency Range
A Band0 to 250 MHz
B Band250 to 500 MHz
C Band500 to 1000 MHz
D Band1 to 2 GHz
E Band2 to 3 GHz
F Band3 to 4 GHz
G Band4 to 6 GHz
H Band6 to 8 GHz
I Band8 to 10 GHz
J Band10 to 20 GHz
K Band20 to 40 GHz
L Band40 to 60 GHz
M Band60 to 100 GHz

US Military /SACLANT NATO Frequency Bands

NATO Frequency BandFrequency Range
N Band100 to 200 GHz
O Band100 to 200 GHz