O-Cafe - The New Espresso Machine Monitor

Nov 21, 2018

O-Cafe™, the new espresso machine monitor developed by OriginGPS and Avelon, that combines patented IoT and micro-boiler technologies to help maintain espresso machines from the cloud. The solution uses multiple sensors to measure operational functions and provide alerts, to a single point of contact or group, avoiding the time-consuming activities and expenses incurred from machines breaking down or malfunctioning. The O-Cafe™ also includes a self-replaceable halogen bulb to further decrease downtime. All data collected by the sensors is transferred to the cloud via advanced cellular communication, where it may be analyzed, and the machine configurations may be changed.


  • Espresso machines for coffee shop and restaurant chain owners
  • Supply chain management for coffee suppliers 
  • Vending machines

Key Benefits

  • Remote capabilities: Power on/off, Modify temperature
  • Alerts: Bulb needs replacing, Pump vibration changes, Power consumption changes
  • Central maintenance
  • Data collection for analysis
  • Smart power saving modes


  • Temperature: group head, boilers, incoming water
  • Consumption: water, power 
  • Remote status indicators  
  • Power when brewing
  • Pressure

The O-Cafe™ was developed by OriginGPS with the OriginIoT™. The app was built with the company’s patented IoT technology which enables rapid development of connected products without writing additional embedded code, while all data is configured from the cloud of their choice.


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