V-Band vs E-Band for Backhaul Applications

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- everything RF

Nov 28, 2016

With an increase in the deployment of small cells for LTE and 5G, we are seeing more wireless backhaul solutions being used to provide base station connectivity. Most backhaul solutions today operate at Millimeter wave frequencies. However, there is a lot of debate as to which mm-Wave frequency band is the right frequency band for these applications. The two most popular bands being used for small cell backhaul today are the V-Band (60 GHz) and E-Band (70/80 GHz).

Frequency & Bandwidth

V-Band: License Free, 60 GHz Band with over 5 GHz of available spectrum.

E-Band: Lightly Licensed, 70/80 GHz Band with over 10 GHz of available spectrum.

Range & Environmental Effects

V-Band: Can be used for links with a range of 300-700 meters. Attenuated by rain and oxygen.

E-Band: Can be used for links with a range of over 1 Km. Attenuated by Rain.

Since the V-Band is un-licensed, it can be used for applications other than telecom. WiGig is another wireless standard/technology that operates in the V-Band. As a result of this component suppliers are producing high volume 60 GHz parts to support the applications and standards. High volume component production will lower prices and enable cost effective radios in this frequency band.