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What are Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizers? How do they work? What are their advantages?
Fractional-N frequency synthesizers have revolutionized radio frequency (RF) design by offering a way to generate high-quality signals with very fine frequency steps, without the drawbacks associated with traditional synthesizers. They combine the simplicity of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) technology with a clever approach to frequency division, overcoming key challenges such as large division ratios and poor loop performance.
In RF design, frequency synthesizers are vital components that generate precise frequencies. A traditional synthesizer, using a PLL, typically works by multiplying a phase detector's comparison frequency to generate an output signal. For small frequency steps, however, the comparison frequency must also be small, leading to large division ratios. For example, in a system where a 10 MHz reference signal requires 100 Hz steps, a division ratio of 100,000 would be required. This is feasible, but it brings several problems:
Slow Frequency Switching: The bandwidth of the PLL loop would be very narrow (only 10 Hz in this example), which results in long settling times when the frequency needs to be changed.
Large Passive Components: The loop bandwidth constraints often require large passive components (such as capacitors and inductors) to stabilize the system.
Increased Phase Noise: With such a narrow bandwidth, phase noise becomes more pronounced within the loop's frequency range and beyond the VCO's output.
A solution to these limitations is found in fractional N frequency synthesizers.
How do Fractional N Frequency Synthesizers Work?
Fractional N frequency synthesis works by modifying the traditional PLL architecture. Instead of using a fixed integer division ratio, fractional N synthesizers employ a dual-modulus divider, which alternates between two division ratios: N and N+1. The divider changes between these two values, effectively creating a fractional division ratio.
This flexibility allows for smaller frequency steps while maintaining a high comparison frequency and loop bandwidth, both of which contribute to improved overall synthesizer performance. The effective division ratio is calculated based on the number of VCO cycles divided by N and N+1. The formula for the effective division ratio is:
Where A and B represent the number of VCO cycles divided by N and N+1, respectively.
This alternating division allows the synthesizer to generate very fine frequency steps, but with the added benefit of retaining a higher operating frequency, which helps to reduce phase noise.
Spurious Emissions and Their Mitigation
Despite these advantages, fractional N frequency synthesizers can generate spurious emissions, which are unwanted signals that appear close to the desired carrier frequency. These spurious signals are a result of the phase error accumulation during the switching of the modulus divider. Over time, the system's feedback frequency averages to the reference frequency, which causes periodic disturbances in the VCO control voltage. This leads to spurious signals that are close to the desired output frequency.
Several techniques can be employed to reduce these spurious emissions:
Phase Error Cancellation: Systems like Digiphase, developed by Racal, use phase error cancellation techniques to reduce spurious signals by compensating for the accumulated phase error.
Random Modulus Switching: By randomly switching between the division ratios, the synthesizer can mask these spurious signals as noise, making them less distinguishable.
Despite these mitigation techniques, fractional-N synthesizers are often more common in radio receivers where spurious emissions can be tolerated to some extent, but are typically avoided in signal generators that require ultra-clean signals.
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