What is RF Conformance Testing?

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Jan 13, 2020

RF conformance testing uses a set of 3GPP defined test cases to certify that the DUT (Device Under Test) is 3GPP compliant. Conformance tests help ensure that the commercial wireless devices comply with the latest 3GPP specifications and operate as expected on mobile networks.

3GPP is the official body that sets the standards by which the equipment is both designed and tested so that they meet these standards. It provides the standards for technologies including GSM, W-CDMA and LTE.

3GPP also provides the test specifications for UEs in terms of radio frequency, protocol and USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module) testing. The two major organizations for the 3GPP-based device certification are GCF (Global Certification Forum) and PTCRB.

Conformance testing is required to ensure that a device meets all the specified standards for LTE, GSM, W-CDMA, 5G in various countries. 3GPP has defined a set of standards for each technology and region. Before a device is commercially launched, it must meet all the required specifications defined by 3GPP for the specific technology. The leading T&M manufacturers develop equipment to help product companies test against these standards.