Plymouth Rock Technologies is Supplying mm-Wave Sensors to NASA and NIST

Plymouth Rock Technologies is Supplying mm-Wave Sensors to NASA and NIST

Plymouth Rock Technologies Inc. (PRT) has announced that they is now supplying millimeter wave (mmWave) components to two of USA’s leading research organizations, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST).

Interest in the use of signal frequencies in the mmWave range from 30 to 300 GHz has been growing steadily with the adoption of available bandwidths at 24 GHz and higher for 5G cellular communications networks. PRT’s miniature mmWave sensors and systems meet demanding aerospace and defense requirements for small size, weight, and power (SWaP) making them well suited for integration in smaller unmanned aerial systems (UASs) in commercial, industrial, and military applications as well as in security and threat-detection systems.

According to Dana Wheeler, President and CEO of PRT, becoming a supplier for NASA JPL and NIST is not something that is attained easily. The checks and balances required, along with the quality assurance parameters to do so, are in themselves something PRT is very proud to have accomplished. This announcement demonstrates the caliber of the company’s engineering focus and deep experience to assist in producing highly qualified sensor systems, added Dana.

Availability of PRT’s mmWave sensor technologies will aid JPL in efforts to further explore the lunar surface as part of the Artemis program and the next planned trip to the moon. The program is slated to land the first woman and next man on the moon by 2024.

Publisher: everything RF