World’s Largest Constellation of 48 SAR Satellites for Government and Commercial Applications

World’s Largest Constellation of 48 SAR Satellites for Government and Commercial Applications

PredaSAR Corporation has announced that it will launch a constellation of 48 commercial Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites across multiple orbits. This groundbreaking constellation will be the world's largest and most advanced commercial SAR satellite constellation and provide PredaSAR's government and commercial clients with unprecedented image quality, unmatched global persistence, and rapid data delivery.

PredaSAR is led by a highly respected CEO, Major General Roger Teague, USAF (Ret), and a seasoned executive team with extensive national security space expertise and substantial access to capital. The U.S. owned and controlled company, PredaSAR is supported by a Board of Directors who bring over 100 years of national security experience, including General William Shelton, USAF (Ret), Lieutenant General Richard Newton, USAF (Ret), and Major General Douglas Raaberg, USAF (Ret). 

PredaSAR Executive Chairman and Co-Founder Marc Bell, commented that the 48 satellite PredaSAR constellation will deliver unparalleled capabilities that will meet the most demanding national security needs addressable by a commercial constellation, demonstrating our commitment to their U.S. Government clients. Setting such a high bar also allows PredaSAR to deliver outstanding products and services for their commercial customers. PredaSAR features a well-known and respected leadership team of trusted professionals with extraordinary depth and experience across both government and industry. With groundbreaking commercial technology, the PredaSAR constellation will deliver best-in-class, advanced SAR data products and services.

PredaSAR spacecraft employs an advanced, proprietary radar payload to create 2D Synthetic Aperture Radar images, 3D reconstructions of objects and the Earth's surface, and customer-tailored data products. SAR satellites provide high-resolution images at any time of day and in any weather condition, overcoming natural limitations of traditional optical satellites. PredaSAR spacecraft possess the latest in space-proven, high-quality satellite systems to support scalable and fully capable operations in any orbit. Leveraging its advanced technologies, PredaSAR will deliver critical insights and data products to military and commercial decision-makers at the speed of need.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Space QualifiedSatelliteSAR