Cambium Networks Publishes Global Service Provider Survey Results on 60 GHz Opportunities

Cambium Networks Publishes Global Service Provider Survey Results on 60 GHz Opportunities

Cambium Networks, a leading global provider of wireless networking solutions, has published results of its first Global Service Provider Survey on 60 GHz opportunities. Interest among service providers is high given the multi-gigabit speeds and increased user density that the technology provides. More than 800 responses from 82 countries reveal service providers' leading priorities for 60 GHz deployment.

Cambium plans to introduce several new 60 GHz products this summer, enabling service providers to deliver the performance and reliability of fiber in places they had not before. Early indications suggest a high level of interest in delivering broadband wireless internet service for urban, suburban, enterprise, and industrial environments.

60 GHz Wi-Fi can unleash the power of an unlicensed mmWave spectrum for high performance fixed wireless applications. Qualcomm is working with Cambium to make affordable, high speed and low latency internet access available to an increasing number of people throughout the world. Here is a summary of what the survey found:

60 GHz Priority Applications to Deliver Throughput
Service providers indicate that the top application will be connecting business customers. When asked which applications are most attractive, 57 percent of operators ranked building-to-building wireless multi-gigabit point-to-point links for business first. The next highest applications are residential connectivity with 46 percent and Wi-Fi backhaul with 30 percent.

60 GHz Priority Locations to Build Revenue
When asked which locations will be a priority, 48 percent of respondents identified urban environments where population drives demand for capacity as the most important. Closely behind, with 43% of the vote, are small communities, which are currently underserved. Industrial applications, with IoT business connectivity demand, came in at 38 percent.

95 Percent Say Planning Tools Are Important
Network planning is vital to service reliability. Planning and design tools dramatically improve network performance while reducing the upfront time and cost of skilled technicians. 95 percent of the service providers polled indicate that planning tools are important to their business operations.

60 GHz Coming Soon from Cambium
Cambium plans to release several 60 GHz products starting this summer. The company has a proven record in providing wireless solutions that deliver performance, scalability, reliability, and low total cost of ownership. Cambium Networks' multi-gigabit wireless fabric of connectivity includes backhaul, distribution, and access solutions, all managed in the cloud on a single pane of glass. Cambium provides stable and reliable equipment. They tried different brands of equipment, and now have more than 5,000 Cambium radios in our network. There is nothing better.

To deliver the best quality of experience, Cambium's 60 GHz design architecture will use the 802.11ay standard for higher capacity and better channel access and mesh support. The design incorporates Terragraph's mesh technology, developed by Facebook Connectivity, to achieve superior network reliability at a lower cost.

Click here to learn why 802.11ay Emerges as the New Standard for 60 GHz Wi-Fi.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Wi-FiWi-Fi 66G