PCTEL Introduces New Wireless Communication Sensor Platform for IIoT Applications

PCTEL Introduces New Wireless Communication Sensor Platform for IIoT Applications

PCTEL, a leading global provider of Industrial IoT (IIoT) antennas and purpose-built, application-specific devices, has announced the expansion of its IIoT portfolio with a new wireless communication sensor platform. The platform offers multiple radio connectivity options, including support for cellular, LoRa, Bluetooth 5, and NFC, as well as IEEE 802.15.4 protocols.

The integrated wireless communication sensor platform includes a battery-powered wireless sensor endpoint for easy installation, a sensor and communication board for easy integration, and a development kit for application-specific customization. The platform also includes several sensors to monitor a variety of physical conditions, including air quality, temperature, relative humidity, acceleration, angular rate of change, magnetic field, range, and sound.

Robust wireless connectivity and sensing capabilities are crucial for remote monitoring, control, and automation of IIoT systems. This new platform addresses the need for a flexible product line that can support application-specific customization and integration capabilities required by the IIoT ecosystem.

PCTEL brings strong RF design, electronics integration, and mechanical design capabilities to address the IIoT system deployment requirements in transportation, utilities, and industrial process automation applications. Click here to learn more about the wireless communication sensor platform from PCTEL.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IIoT


  • Country: United States
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