MTI Wireless Edge & Aviat Networks Deliver Multiband Antenna Solutions Supporting 5G Backhaul

MTI Wireless Edge & Aviat Networks Deliver Multiband Antenna Solutions Supporting 5G Backhaul

MTI Wireless Edge has collaborated with Aviat Networks, to provide the first and only single radio, single antenna solution commercially available in the 15/80, 18/80 and 23/80 GHz frequency bands. Aviat is excited to partner with MTI to deliver this new technology. With the rollouts of 5G networks around the world, Aviat is seeing a surge in demand for multi-band backhaul offerings and believe that they have the industry's leading multi-band backhaul solution.

The fixed wireless domain continues to grow as a compelling alternative for providing enhanced communications services in highly competitive markets. The need for cost-effective, robust and technologically advanced wireless equipment is mission-critical for providers who seek to grow their businesses and diversify their service offerings by building out a future-proof infrastructure.

Aviat announced that Safaricom, the largest telecom company in Kenya, selected Aviat's WTM 4800 multiband radio platform for 5G backhaul. Multiband is uniquely beneficial in countries like Kenya, which have significantly high microwave spectrum costs. Multiband helps to lower spectrum costs by offloading traffic from costly microwave spectrum onto less expensive E-band spectrum, while still maintaining the trusted reliability of microwave.

By leveraging its innovative, field-proven military technologies, deep engineering capabilities, and smart production and testing facilities, MTI Wireless Edge has carved out a unique position for itself in the commercial flat panel antenna market.

Boasting lightweight, compact and aesthetically pleasing construction, MTI antennas and systems are standards-compliant, and include a wide choice of backhaul antenna solutions. Available in stand-alone, integrated, or embedded configuration formats, MTI fixed wireless products operate in all the licensed and unlicensed bandwidths that typify wireless network deployments.

Click here to learn more about the antennas by MTI Wireless Edge.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Backhaul5G