RWW & ARFTG 2021 Events to be Held Together in a Virtual Format

RWW & ARFTG 2021 Events to be Held Together in a Virtual Format

The "IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium and Exhibition" ("Radio Wireless Week" - RWW) will take place virtually from 17-22 January, 2021. RWW is an IEEE MTT Society organized event and specifically targets the wireless market.

The RWW event usually gets about 400 attendees, with a good mix of industry, academia, and international attendees. Technical sessions will take place over seven days on a virtual platform. This year the organizers are revising the Wireless Microapps opportunity for exhibitors to record presentations. This method will give registrants more time to view presentations live and then on-demand. The exhibition is less formal and targets a specific audience for a low investment.

ARFTG is Joining the Virtual RWW 2021!

As with last year's conference and exhibit, the ARFTG conference will be held in conjunction with the RWW and the exhibit will be a joint exhibit for RWW and ARFTG. The 96th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium will have on-demand and live content available for scientists, engineers, and technologists on RF measurement techniques covering everything from theory to practice.

The conference will include:
  • Invited talk by Jan Verspecht (Keysight Technologies) on "Modulation Analysis - A Novel Way to Characterize Components under Modulated Operating Conditions"
  • Invited talk by Nick Ridler (NPL) on "Traceability and Uncertainty - What are they? And Why Do We Need Them?"
  • A Panel session on "Uncertainty in mmWave Over-the-Air Test" hosted by Dylan Williams (NIST) and Kate Remley (NIST)

The conference will also feature submitted papers, the ARFTG/NIST Short Course on Microwave Measurements, and a joint ARFTG/RWW Workshop on "Modeling and Design Tools for Accelerated Design of 5G GaN PAs" organized by Nicholas Miller (AFRL) and Patrick Roblin (OSU).

ARFTG is the premier conference focused on RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave measurements, calibration, and uncertainty. It has been the birthplace of many notable papers on advanced techniques, measurement standards, and linear and nonlinear device characterization and modeling. ARFTG holds two conferences a year, which include IEEE archived, technical papers, workshops, and the ARFTG/NIST short course on microwave measurements.

Publisher: everything RF