CommAgility 4G LTE Software Selected for Development and Deployment of Small Cells

CommAgility 4G LTE Software Selected for Development and Deployment of Small Cells

The Wireless Telecom Group announced that the 4G LTE Physical Layer and Protocol Stack software from CommAgility has been selected by a European telecommunications system developer for deployment in its LTE small cell products for public transportation applications. The developer selected the carrier-grade CommAgility software because it is proven with tier 1 vendors to deliver the performance, flexibility, and reliability required for its LTE eNodeB / small cell solutions. The complete and tested solution provided by CommAgility reduces risk, accelerates time to market, and decreases development costs for the systems provider.

Public transportation has become an increasingly important market for wireless communications with passengers expecting to be able to reliably access Wi-Fi on their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. Being able to offer fast, dependable Wi-Fi to customers is a competitive advantage for transport operators and can also provide another revenue stream where fees are charged.

LTE provides the connectivity needed between the internet and a moving vehicle such as trains, subways, buses, and ships. The data connection can then be shared between passenger Wi-Fi and other services such as fleet management, driver/staff communication, and security systems.

CommAgility 4G PHY and Stack software are proven to deliver the performance, flexibility, and reliability required for LTE eNodeB solutions. By choosing carrier-grade CommAgility software which has been proven in the field with multiple customers and various deployments, the developer can be confident that risk is minimized in its development process and a reliable solution can be deployed with an upgrade path to 5G in the future.

CommAgility's SmallCellPHY software is the industry-leading LTE physical layer for small cells, while SmallCellSTACK provides a complete LTE protocol stack. The software is portable to almost any baseband chip and operating system or can be supplied in a version specifically tailored to Texas Instruments’ Keystone II TCI6630 System on Chip (SoC). SmallCellPHY and SmallCellSTACK are integrated and validated on CommAgility AMC-D24A4-RF2/RF4, CA-K2L-RF2, and AMC-K2L-RF2 boards and are compliant with 3GPP Rel. 10. All CommAgility solutions are supported by a team of LTE experts, who can modify the PHY and Stack for customers’ specific application requirements. The PHY and Stack enable efficient spectrum usage and maximum data throughput for LTE applications.

CommAgility LTE PHY and Stack are part of the company’s range of hardware, software, and reference designs for both LTE and 5G.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTESoftware4G