Keysight Gains GCF Approval for Voice Over 5G New Radio Test Cases

Keysight Gains GCF Approval for Voice Over 5G New Radio Test Cases

Keysight Technologies, a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, announced that in January 2021 the company was first to gain approval by the Global Certification Forum (GCF) for voice over 5G new radio (VoNR) conformance test cases.

To improve their customers’ voice calling experience, mobile operators deliver VoNR services by leveraging 5G core (5GC) and internet protocol (IP) media services architectures. Vendors rely on 5G IP media services (IMS) conformance test cases to validate that their 5G devices comply with 3GPP specifications, ensuring accurate delivery of multimedia services such as voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing and video on demand (VoD). Keysight was first to submit protocol test cases for verifying 5G NR devices supporting IMS to 3GPP using the protocol conformance toolset.

Muthu Kumaran, general manager of Keysight’s wireless business group stated that the deployment of 5G new radio in standalone mode with a 5G core will offer voice over 5G new radio with reduced latency and improved sound quality. He also said that they are pleased to support a leading number of 5G IMS test cases mandated by both GCF and PTCRB enabling device makers to effectively speed validation of 5G devices in a variety of form factors.

According to the GSMA Association (GSMA), more than two hundred and twenty mobile operators have introduced voice over LTE (VoLTE), which also relies on IMS, to efficiently use available spectrum and deliver a sharp calling experience.

Keysight’s 5G protocol conformance toolset provides access to 5G NR conformance test cases, covering 5G NR technology features including IMS, universal subscriber identity module (USIM) application toolkit (USAT), LTE and cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X). As a result, device and chipset makers, as well as mobile operators, can quickly and cost-effectively deliver new products. Test cases are delivered via common hardware platforms, supporting 5G and legacy cellular technologies, to ensure seamless voice and data handovers between 4G and 5G.

Publisher: everything RF