Breakthrough mm-Wave Hyperimaging Technology Enables Low Cost Chipless RFID Tags

Breakthrough mm-Wave Hyperimaging Technology Enables Low Cost Chipless RFID Tags

Vubiq Networks, Inc., an innovator in millimeter wave wireless broadband technology and solutions, has announced that it has successfully modeled its patented millimeter wave radio frequency identification (RFID) technology incorporating polarization and phase detection. Utilizing industry-standard 3D radar computer simulation and MATLAB algorithm implementation supplied by Ansys and MathWorks, the company has been able to validate the technology claims of its extensive RFID synthetic aperture radar (SAR) hyperimaging patent portfolio.

The breakthrough represents the first and only patented millimeter wave RFID hyperimaging technology to utilize polarimetric frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. The company’s innovative data encoding technology exploits the natural physics of antennas at a tremendously small scale. The result is a chipless RFID data tag that approaches the cost of printing a barcode, but with the ability to contain hundreds of data bits in the size of a postage stamp.

Mike Pettus, founder and CTO of Vubiq Networks, said that they have successfully completed start-to-finish system-level simulation/post processing that clearly shows how their patented technique of encoding data into tiny millimeter wave antenna tag elements leverages the natural polarization and phase properties of those elements. He also said that they can now model the full RFID reader technology as a polarimetric FMCW radar using the latest 3D electromagnetic CAD tools from Ansys, combined with solving image formation and polarization/phase detection with our algorithms implemented in MATLAB.

With the completion of modeling and simulation, Vubiq now has the blueprint for creating unique tag elements that support low-cost, high-bit density tags for many of today’s RFID applications.

Justin Patton, Director of the Auburn University RFID Lab, said that he is very excited about the possibilities of millimeter waves for identification systems. With the current boom in demand for automated supply chains, sensor fusion of serialized identification is the focus of the future, and new tech like Vubiq may add some much-needed depth to the bench of options for item tracking. The Auburn University RFID Lab is a research institute focusing on the business case and technical implementation of RFID and other emerging technologies in retail, aviation, supply chain and manufacturing.

Click here to learn more about Vubiq's Chipless RFID Data Tag Hyperimaging.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Radarmm-WaveRFIDSAR


  • Country: United States
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