New Signal Hound Video Covers the Basics of Noise Figure Measurement

New Signal Hound Video Covers the Basics of Noise Figure Measurement

Signal Hound had earlier announced a new noise figure analysis mode for their Spike RF analysis software. Now they have released a walk-through video and a Noise Figure Analysis Feature Overview PDF document. These materials are intended to help users understand and perform noise figure measurements using the new mode.

Roger Rush, Programmer at Signal Hound, who has developed the noise figure analysis mode, demonstrates the process of making a basic noise figure measurement in the video. The video explains why noise figure measurements are important and shows the audience a hardware configuration as an example. Later, it proceeds to demonstrate the making of a noise figure measurement.

For a more hands-on guide, Signal Hound has also released a feature overview PDF to learn more about noise figure measurements, elaborating why it needs to be done and how to do it. It includes the math behind the measurement (the Y-factor method, specifically), and also provides a walk-through on performing the measurement.

Click here to download the Noise Figure Analysis Feature Overview PDF.

Click here to browse Signal Analyzers from Signal Hound listed on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF