NXP to Demonstrate How V2X-Enabled Vehicles Can Improve Raod Safety

NXP to Demonstrate How V2X-Enabled Vehicles Can Improve Raod Safety

NXP® Semiconductors will be showcasing new safety scenarios enabled by vehicle-to-vehicle communication (Vehicle-to-X or V2X) as part of this year’s ITS World Congress in Hamburg. NXP will work together with partners such as premium manufacturer Riese & Müller, to highlight better protection for vulnerable road users, new V2X application scenarios designed to help prevent traffic accidents, and e-bike safety demonstrations. NXP's V2X technology is based on 802.11p, a communication standard also known as DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communication). Optimized for automobiles, 802.11p allows vehicles, road infrastructure, and other road users to exchange information in real-time.

Every year, there are more than 1.3 million fatalities caused due to road accidents across the world and more than 50 percent of these are cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists. Technologies such as V2X and driver assistance systems can make a significant contribution to help reduce these numbers and are already in standard use in selected passenger car models today.

To demonstrate how the safety of road users can be enhanced, NXP and Riese & Müller have built a smart electric bicycle prototype. The demonstration combines NXP’s RoadLINK automotive-qualified DSRC modem and Hardware Secure Element IC for V2X applications, with the Cohda Wireless’ On-Board Unit. The configuration enables the e-bike to transmit data on its position, speed, and direction of travel to other V2X-enabled vehicles in the vicinity that could pose a potential danger to the cyclist. The module calculates the distances between road users and position changes within seconds. In the event of a dangerous situation, both the cyclist and a car’s driver would receive a timely collision warning.

"Everyone on the road deserves to be safe, from the student on a bike to the road worker and those in premium vehicles. The quest starts with allowing vehicles and road users to communicate in real-time and V2X meets this need by linking infrastructure and road users,” said Huanyu Gu, Senior Product Marketing Manager ADAS at NXP. “V2X can connect and inform a vast web of e-bikes, e-scooters, breakdown assist vehicles, and even construction site lighting to create a web of safety for all who share the roads."

NXP will feature its various V2X applications at ITS World Congress in Hamburg October 11-15 Hall B5, Booth B5302. Some of them are :

  • Ford of Europe, Kopernikus, Continental, Cohda Wireless, and NXP showcase the future of automated valet parking at Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. NXP V2X technology inside the car and in parking garage infrastructure enables the Ford electric vehicle to park itself and charge – no human involved.
  • BiDiMoVe (Bidirectional multimodal network): demand-based prioritization of public traffic at traffic lights including a new hazard warning system.
  • Green4transPORT: dynamic traffic management including intelligent traffic lights control to reduce carbon emissions.

Click here to learn more about RoadLINK from NXP.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AutomotiveV2X