WiSpry Showing Antenna Tuning and Tunable RF Solutions at MWC 2015

MWC 2015WiSpry is showcasing a number of tunable RF product demos at Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona. In order to speed adoption of tunable RF antennas in the industry, WiSpry has developed a tunable antenna reference platform and tunable filter prototype filter demo.

High efficiency antenna tuning is an enabling technology that benefits carriers, smartphone OEMs, and consumers alike. Carriers need high efficiency antenna tuning to reduce complexity by enabling single SKU antenna smartphones to roam seamlessly across all bands and channels worldwide without any compromise in OTA performance. High efficiency antenna tuning also enables OEMs to fit more antennas into devices, provide better band coverage and increased bandwidth into a smaller phone form factor design. Finally, smartphone users benefit from high efficiency antenna tuning with improved, reliable network coverage, improved battery life and download speeds in a small package.

WS1040Tunable Antenna Reference Platform Demo

Featuring the ultra-compact WS1040 single chip antenna tuner, this reference platform demonstrates low band impedance tuning while maintaining an ideal high band response for optimum Carrier Aggregation (CA) uplink and downlink performance. Antenna tuning with WiSpry technology is easy to implement and capable of tuning the most advanced multi-band LTE phones with CA radios in both open and closed loop modes.

Tunable Filter Prototype Demo

In addition to the Tunable Antenna Reference Platform, WiSpry will also be demonstrating tunable filters using these high-performance tunable RF components. Tunable filters represent an even bigger shift in capability since they enable radio communication architectures and front-ends to become dynamic and adaptable to available frequencies bands and standards. WiSpry will be showcasing a tunable filter prototype that can provide “filtering on demand” in a mobile front-end, again helping create radio systems that can roam freely in the frequency domain.

This year’s demos provide clear evidence of WiSpry’s successful 2014 launch of its newest product line - WS1040, WS1041 and WS1042. Coupled with the now-deployed WS1050 high performance impedance tuning circuit, WiSpry products cover antenna impedance tuning, antenna aperture tuning and filter applications. WiSpry offers products to cover the entire range of emerging application space where the radio front-end itself will be tunable.

  • WS1040 single chip delivers the highest performance and the industry’s highest Q in an ultra-compact package that is 30% smaller than WiSpry’s class-leading W1050 solution,
  • WS1041 4-capacitor tunable RF quad capacitor array reduces cost, board space and design time while improving linear performance and design flexibility,
  • WS1042 tunable RF quad capacitor array is optimized for tunable filter applications, and delivers the highest Q performance, extreme voltage support, smallest step size, and high linearity.


In addition to the application optimized product lineup, WiSpry’s tunable RF tool kit includes a full range of application-specific turn-key reference designs, necessary software components as well as simulation models. The Tunable RF tool kit demonstrates how the company’s technology can contribute to building a completely different - and game-changing - platform for RF Front-End design from which new methods of radio communication can emerge. Newly updated reference designs reduce customer design time and speed product development, getting the customer to market faster.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   MWC 2015