Sennheiser to Use Nordic Semiconductors' Bluetooth LE Audio Technology in Upcoming Products

Sennheiser to Use Nordic Semiconductors' Bluetooth LE Audio Technology in Upcoming Products

Nordic Semiconductor announced that one of the world’s most renowned audio brands, Sennheiser, is using Nordic’s Bluetooth LE Audio technology in selected upcoming consumer products. Sennheiser will be using Nordic’s nRF5340 System-on-Chip (SoC), to deliver consumer audio solutions that make audio accessible to people who may be hard-of-hearing or are living in a noisy home environment, both of which could benefit from a volume boost.

We were looking for a reliable short-range Bluetooth LE Audio wireless solution for some upcoming products,” explains Stephan Lietz, Director Development Consumer Division at Sennheiser. “This through-wall range and reliability are very important to consumers, and one of the many reasons we selected Nordic Semiconductor as our development partner.” She further continues, “These short-range solutions should enable an individual to run around a flat or house without the audio signal being dropped. This through-wall range and reliability are very important to consumers, and one of the many reasons we selected Nordic Semiconductor as our development partner.

When compared to the Classic Bluetooth protocol, the Bluetooth LE Audio standard introduces the new LC3 codec, lower latency, and improved power consumption along with several brand-new user features.

Bluetooth LE Audio promises enhanced audio quality and the ability to broadcast audio signals to more than one device at a time,” comments Vince Hagen, Global Business Development Manager at Nordic Semiconductor. “When this is combined with Nordic’s expertise in ultra-low power wireless our customers can achieve extended application battery life plus rock-solid on-air wireless connectivity.”

Click here to learn more about Nordic’s nRF5340 SoC supports Bluetooth LE Audio.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   BluetoothSoCWireless Audio