MilliBox Uses Anritsu’s Shockline VNA to Create mmWave Passive Antenna Measurement Setup

MilliBox Uses Anritsu’s Shockline VNA to Create mmWave Passive Antenna Measurement Setup

MilliBox announced the integration of their compact anechoic chambers with Anritsu’s ShockLine 1-Port VNAs for mmWave passive antenna measurements. MilliBox is an affordable, modular, flexible mmwave antenna test system, which can be set easily to measure phased array radiation pattern. Paired here with a modular Anritsu ShockLine VNA, this allows efficient broadband measurements of a passive antenna array.

The Shockline VNAs from Anritsu consist of 1 Port, 2 Port and 4 Port vector network analyzers that are available in a number of frequency configurations up to 40 GHz. These VNAs are simple, economic and high-performance vector network analyzers aimed at cost-sensitive passive device test applications in engineering, manufacturing and education. This setup uses 2 single port VNAs, which when connected creates a full-fledged 2-port VNA. The compact anechoic chambers are modular and can be extended in length which makes it easier to perform OTA measurements.

The VNA and the anechoic chamber controllers can be operated via a single PC. The MilliBox controller stores the measurement data in a .csv file. This affordable integration of VNA, anechoic chamber and 3D positioner creates a modular and powerful setup to perform mmWave passive antenna measurements.

Click here to learn more about ShockLine VNAs from Anritsu.

Click here to learn more about the compact chambers from Millibox.

Publisher: everything RF