RF Test Bench for Contactless Cards & Mobile Payments Achieves EMVCo Qualification

T1141Keysight Technologies and FIME today announced that the EMVCo global technical body has qualified the latest version of the FIME Radio Frequency (RF) test bench based on Keysight´s T1141A Test Set. The Test Bench verifies compliance of mobile handsets and contactless cards with EMV Level 1 Specifications.

FIME, a leading provider of secure-chip consulting and testing services, will use the system to confirm that mobile and contactless card products perform as specified by the EMV™ Proximity Integrated Circuit Card (PICC) version 2.3 Specification.

The qualification by EMVCo is the result of the successful cooperation between Keysight and FIME and enables both organizations to address the increasing market demand for advanced test equipment. In addition to EMV contact, contactless and mobile certification tools, laboratory expertise, and consulting services, FIME delivers training to use the RF test bench in-house and helps its customers to further understand the EMVCo Contactless Specifications and improve the performance of their product. This level of training assists customers in efficiently and effectively obtaining EMVCo certification for contactless cards and mobile devices. It also reduces the time needed for product qualification.

FIME’s work with Keysight has focused on EMV Level 1 RF testing for mobile or contactless smartcards (PICC). Both organizations are actively working to address EMVCo requirements and complete qualification of their existing test solutions for payment terminals (Proximity Coupling Device). They offer easy upgrade paths for its customers to integrate EMVCo and NFC testing in their test systems.

Informtion on on Keysight´s T1141A Test Set is not available on the Keysight website at the moment. Will updates this once it becomes available.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement