Junkosha Launches ePTFE Tape Wrapped Cables for mmWave Phased Array Radars at EuMW 2021

Junkosha Launches ePTFE Tape Wrapped Cables for mmWave Phased Array Radars at EuMW 2021

Global interconnect pioneers Junkosha has chosen Europe’s premier microwave, RF, wireless, and radar event, European Microwave Week, to launch its new ePTFE tape wrapped phase and amplitude stable MWX7 Series of cables. Incorporating the lowest phase and amplitude deviation and best linearity over temperature and flexure, the MWX7 Series has been developed to tackle the next generation of mmWave large-scale phased array radars.

Discussing the market need, Dr. Shahriar Shahramian Ph.D., Group Leader (Director) - Sensing & Communication ASICs Research for Nokia Bell Labs explains: “Next-generation wireless communication systems continue to push the frontier of higher carrier frequency and data rates. With 5G networks, we have seen the introduction of mmWave large-scale phased array radars as well as MIMO systems that require some of the most stringent phase/amplitude stability to date. Both characterization and deployment of these systems rely on RF interconnects for synchronization and to minimize drift over time.”

In answer to these requirements, Junkosha’s new ePTFE tape wrapped phase-stable MWX7 Series of cables deliver excellent phase and amplitude stability vs temperature fluctuations. Furthermore, they offer reduced phase and amplitude drift due to mechanical fluctuations. Alongside these attributes, Junkosha’s in-house manufactured dielectric ePTFE tape wrapping technology promises consistent performance in both inter and intra batch quality. As a result, Junkosha offers some of the industry's best phase and amplitude stability across their MWX7 series of RF cables.

Masaru Omoto, Product Manager for Junkosha, adds. “With this new series of cables, we are answering the critical requirements of phase and amplitude stability against temperature fluctuations which are vital for phased array radars used in the defense sector. Extreme temperatures need to be managed so that there is no lag in response times to threat detection, the implication of which is massive. Overall, our ePTFE tape wrapped MWX7 Series cable helps the radar system to have instantaneous responses in critical situations.”

The European Microwave Week was meant to take place in October last year, but got postponed multiple times and now will be finally be taking place in London this week. EuMW 2022 will follow shortly after and take place in Milan, Italy in September 2022.  Click here to see everything RF's coverage on EuMW 2021.

Click here to learn more about ePTFE tape wrapped MWX7 Series cable.

Publisher: everything RF