R&S CMW-PQA Test Platform Now Supports Data Throughput Tests for PTCRB and GCF Requirements

CMW-PQAThe R&S CMW-PQA from Rohde & Schwarz was one of the first test platforms in the world to be accepted for data throughput tests in line with PTCRB RFT 113. This test requirement from the North American PTCRB certification forum is based on the 3GPP TS 37.901 specification. The performance quality analysis test system allows network operators, manufacturers of user equipment and chipsets as well as test houses to carry out testing in line with the PTCRB RFT 113 and the GCF data performance item.

The R&S CMW PQA covers the specific performance test plans of leading network operators. The well-established R&S CONTEST software makes it fast and easy to create customer-specific test plans. The test platform is also scalable. The smallest variant is now available to PTCRB RFT 113 users and consists of merely an R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester with an integrated fader.

Besides supporting various network-operator-specific throughput and performance test plans, the R&S®CMW-PQA makes it possible to create customized test plans with the powerful R&S®CONTEST sequence software. The R&S®CMW-PQA is the perfect test solution for benchmarking and optimizing the performance of user equipment. It supports end-to-end throughput and performance testing.

Publisher: everything RF