Rohde & Schwarz Solutions for 5G Mobile Networks

5G Mobile Networks

Rohde & Schwarz has shown its support for the wireless communications industry by providing the solutions needed to investigate, develop and standardize 5G. In the mobile network industry, users are constantly and increasingly demanding higher peak data rates, more capacity and better cost efficiency. The Internet of Things (IoT), including machine to machine (M2M) communications, also provides new challenges that need to be addressed. Since the requirements greatly differ to those of 4G systems, it is crucial to work on the 5th generation of mobile networks (5G). They will, for example, require significantly higher carrier frequencies than today’s mobile networks. The industry faces different challenges, such as determining how to propagate mm-wave and wideband signals through the radio channel.

Rohde & Schwarz offers flexible test and measurement solutions to support the wireless communications industry in investigating, developing and standardizing 5G. Its instruments generate and analyze wideband signals with carrier frequencies from 6 GHz to more than 60 GHz. The comprehensive test solutions are ideal for evaluating channel sounding at high frequency ranges and characterizing mm-wave components such as filters, mixers, amplifiers and antennas.

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Publisher: everything RF