MilliBox Partners with CMT, Eravant and Maury to Develop Affordable Sub-THz 6G OTA Measurement Setup

MilliBox Partners with CMT, Eravant and Maury to Develop Affordable Sub-THz 6G OTA Measurement Setup

MilliBox, a provider of compact benchtop mmWave anechoic chambers and antenna positioners, is working with industry leaders to develop an innovative complete solution for over-the-air measurements in the sub-THz frequency range (D-Band), which is going to be used for 6G technology and radar sensor applications.

At IMS 2023 in San Diego, Millibox along with Copper Mountain Technologies, Eravant and Maury Microwave are demonstrating live over-the-air capture of a 3D antenna radiation pattern from 110 GHz to 170 GHz and rendering it in real-time at 120 GHz.

The partners all contributed in areas of their expertise - Copper Mountain Technologies contributed its 20 GHz USB VNA C4220Eravant contributed its D-Band frequency extenders and WR-06 standard gain antennasMaury Microwave provided its StabilityPlus RF cable assemblies and MilliBox contributed its MBX02 anechoic chamber and GIM04-230E 3D positioner.

“As research and innovation investigates the potential of always higher frequency bands, MilliBox, as pioneers in the industry, along with our partners, demonstrate that we have compelling solutions that are practical and affordable to push the frontier further,” says Jeanmarc Laurent Vice President of MilliBox.

“It’s so exciting to see companies align their solutions around the emergence of sub-THz development,” said Wendy Shu, CEO of Eravant. “We know that creativity and collaboration will quickly bring affordable options to the marketplace as engineers pursue projects at increasingly higher frequencies.”

This demonstration is live at MilliBox Booth #1914 and at Eravant Booth #1418 at IMS 2023 in San Diego.

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Publisher: everything RF