Deutsche Telekom Uses R&S Solution to Verify LTE and LTE-A Equipment


Deutsche Telekom has decided to support the rollout of current LTE Advanced features in its network using the R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester with the R&S CMWcards graphical user interface (GUI). The company's main focus is on the integration of protocol software and end to end tests for LTE and LTE Advanced.

The R&S CMW500 and R&S CMWcards make it possible to simulate complex network configurations in the lab. They also enable mobile communications providers like Deutsche Telekom to use predefined test scenarios to verify all current LTE features on mobile user equipment. This paves the way for the rollout of LTE telephony services (IMS VoLTE), LTE Rel.10 carrier aggregation, and security related features such as the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS).

The Rohde & Schwarz solution allows Deutsche Telekom to verify mobile user equipment throughout the entire mobile ecosystem. The CMW500 is the only test platform to support all common roaming, mobility and interoperability tests with technologies like WCDMA, GSM, WLAN as well as IP throughput measurements in LTE up to category 10. The unique R&S CMWcards user interface makes it easy to create graphic signaling and application tests. More than 100 predefined tests simplify the user's job and save valuable time. This allows the telecommunications corporation to accelerate the verification and quality testing process for new smartphones and mobile user equipment.

Publisher: everything RF