Teraphysics & NASA to Characterize Microfabricated E-band Helical TWT Amplifiers for Space-to-Earth RF Links

Teraphysics & NASA to Characterize Microfabricated E-band Helical TWT Amplifiers for Space-to-Earth RF Links

Teraphysics a privately held Cleveland, Ohio-based R&D company, has executed a non-reimbursable Space Act Agreement with NASA's Glenn Research Facility in Cleveland. Teraphysics entered into this agreement for the purpose of performing radio frequency (RF) characterization of its patented, microfabricated E-band helical traveling wave tube amplifier and to ascertain its suitability for a space-to-earth RF telecommunication link.

The schedule of work includes:

  • Certification for use as a communication amplifier for satellite and terrestrial communications
  • Quantification of performance parameters
  • Demonstration of terrestrial performance in a stand-alone 1-mile radio link

Dr. Gerald Mearini, Co-Founder and CEO, stated, "This marks a historic milestone achievement in our corporate history. The testing of our disruptive technology by NASA is the culmination of 20+ years of research and development with investments from the private sector and numerous U.S. government-funded projects. We are both honored and humbled to have this incredible collaboration. We look forward to working closely with our colleagues at NASA Glenn as we enter this next evolutionary phase in our technology development."

The agreement allows the company to characterize, certify, and qualify its patented "miniaturized" TWT for RF communications that could be incorporated and used in future LEO constellations and existing 5G, 6G, and future wireless terrestrial communications. Testing is expected to begin in Q3 2023, with completion anticipated in Q2 2025.

Click here to learn more about Teraphysics.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite5GNASA