Rohde & Schwarz to Showcase its Range of Test Solutions at EuMW 2015

At the European Microwave Week 2015, Rohde & Schwarz will be showcasing its range of solutions for realtime microwave signal generation and analysis, microwave power measurements and vector network analysis up to 500 GHz. The EuMW 2015 will be held in Paris from 8 to 10 September. Some of the equipment that will be on display is listed below.

Phase noise measurementHigh End Phase Noise Measurement

Cross-correlation and the ultra-low local oscillator phase noise make it easy to measure sources that in the past could only be measured using very complex test setups or that could not be measured at all. In addition, the R&S®FSWP can be upgraded to a signal and spectrum analyzer, offering a unique combination of phase noise analyzer and signal and spectrum analyzer up to 50 GHz.

The performance, speed and features make the R&S®FSWP a unique one-box solution that can replace not only other testers, but also very expensive high-end phase noise test systems.

mm-wave convertermm-wave Vector Network Analysis

The new millimeter-wave converter features a wide dynamic range and high output power. Plus, it offers high operating convenience and allows highly stable measurements. The converter’s wide dynamic range is particularly beneficial for measurements on high-blocking filters and for on-wafer amplifier measurements, for example.

It also speeds up measurements in general, as it enables the use of wider bandwidths while maintaining the same excellent performance.

On Wafer MeasurementsOn-wafer measurements: MPI probe stations with Rohde & Schwarz network analyzers

MPI's on-wafer probe stations stand out due to their exceptional quality in terms of stability, reproducibility and handling. They can be combined with R&S®ZNB or R&S®ZVA network analyzers to configure systems for highly accurate semiconductor testing of active and passive devices – including MPI designed probe tips and an HDMI camera.

With Rohde & Schwarz frequency converters, banded solutions up to 500 GHz or a single sweep system from 10 MHz to 110 GHz are available.

TRM TestingTRM Testing

Full specification of an amplifier, T/R module, or embedded LO converter: The R&S®ZVAX-TRM extension unit modifies the signals of the R&S®ZVA network analyzer to provide two-tone signals, pulse modulation, increased port power or amplification for noise figure measurements.

High-power test ports and signal access points allow high power measurements up to +43 dBm. Supports complete characterization of even demanding active devices with a single connection.

R&S FSWWideband signal analysis up to 2 GHz

Developers need large bandwidths to analyze wideband signals like those of the new IEEE 802.11ad WLAN standard and 5G next generation mobile communications signals in the 60 GHz range.

The R&S®FSW is the first signal and spectrum analyzer to offer 2 GHz analysis bandwidth in a user friendly, commercial solution.

Automotive RadarAutomotive Radar Target Simulation and Chirp Analysis

Chirp signals typical of automotive radar are automatically characterized in realtime by the R&S®FSW high-end signal and spectrum analyzer in combination with the R&S®FSW-K60C option for analyzing FM CW signals.

The ARTS9510A automotive radar target simulator supplements this test solution by adding realistic target simulation.

Power Amplifier TestingPower Amplifier Testing

The R&S®SGT100A vector signal generator and the screenless R&S®FPS signal and spectrum analyzer form an exceptionally compact package.

Optimized for use in production environments and test systems, they help to ensure high throughput during testing of RF components and devices, including mobile radio base stations.

Power SensorsLAN power sensors

The R&S®NRPxxS/SN power sensors take power measurements to the next level.

All these new power sensors offer USB capability, plus the R&S®NRPxxSN sensors can be controlled via LAN. This makes the Rohde & Schwarz power meter portfolio unique in the industry.


Excellent signal fidelity, high acquisition rate, innovative trigger system and a clever user interface are what you get with a Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope.

Choose from a wide range of oscilloscopes, from value class for service, maintenance and education to our top instruments for R&D or EMI debugging in the 600 MHz to 4 GHz class. Benefit from the high quality and in-depth development and production expertise at Rohde & Schwarz.

We continually enhance our oscilloscope portfolio with new models, applications and accessories.

Value InstrumentsValue instruments

Value Instruments by Rohde & Schwarz are precise, reliable and universal measuring products like oscilloscopes, signal generators, power supplies and multi-meters. Instruments that combine practical features with excellent measurement characteristics and are easy to use. Especially designed for users who want high quality products at a good value price.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement