New mmWave Continuously Variable Waveguide Attenuator Series up to 110 GHz

continuously variable waveguide attenuators

Pasternack has introduced a new family of in-stock continuously variable waveguide attenuators which operate up to 110 GHz. Millimeter wave waveguide attenuators are usually used in aerospace, defense, industrial, telecom, instrumentation and medical industries for a wide range of applications.

This series of waveguide attenuators consists of 5 models that cover a frequency range from 33 GHz to 110 GHz. Engineers often use this type variable attenuator when they are designing a system and are testing their design concepts in the lab. These ultra-high frequency variable waveguide attenuators allow the designer to see how the system will perform at various signal strengths and can also be used to determine the optimum signal performance of the system. The attenuation level of the attenuators can be varied from 0 to 30 dB over the specified band allowing the user to dial in the attenuation level needed for the application. Another interesting feature of these waveguide attenuators is that their attenuation level is adjusted using a micrometer, enabling repeatable and rapid re-setting to different attenuation levels.

All of the new continuously variable waveguide attenuators from Pasternack are in-stock and ready to ship - Click here to get more information on these attenuators.

Publisher: everything RF