InterDigital Joins Princeton University’s NextG Corporate Program for Future Intelligent Networks

InterDigital Joins Princeton University’s NextG Corporate Program for Future Intelligent Networks

InterDigital, a mobile and video technology research and development company, has announced that it has joined Princeton University’s NextG Initiative. The initiative is dedicated to corporate partnerships advancing technology, policy, and industry-academia-government partnerships related to wireless, cloud, and networks of the future. The NextG Initiative, led by Princeton’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, supports the foundation for future intelligent networks across wireless, networking, and cloud systems. The initiative will focus on cross-disciplinary approaches that utilize new algorithms and AI approaches to make networks scalable, efficient, secure, and accessible.

Participation in Princeton’s NextG program unlocks graduate research support and the potential to shape public-private partnerships and policy. As a NextG corporate partnership program member, InterDigital will contribute critical research around  AI in wireless. Specifically, InterDigital will advance research on high-quality, realistic, and usable channel models for native AI, enhanced MIMO, integrated sensing and communications, and other future wireless applications.

“We are excited to deepen our research partnership with Princeton University and contribute to its NextG program bringing together critical members of industry, academia, and government to advance networks of the future and better understand the benefits of AI to wireless networks,” said Rajesh Pankaj, InterDigital’s EVP and Chief Technology Officer. “Princeton University’s prestige and reputation for leading-edge wireless research and policy influence complements InterDigital’s forward-looking research to make our networks and modes of communication more efficient, secure, and impactful.”

“The best academic research to help realize the promise of future wireless networks is informed by close interactions between faculty and industry technology leaders,” said Andrea Goldsmith, dean of Princeton’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. “Our NextG program aims to foster those deep collaborations around wireless technology, as well as policy, that are required to drive meaningful innovation and global leadership in an era of rapid change.”

“InterDigital is a key member of the NextG effort,” added Kaushik Sengupta, co-director of Princeton’s NextG Initiative and electrical and computer engineering professor. “Given its experience in wireless, mobile, and networking technologies, we expect this collaboration will be highly productive.”

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   DigitalResearch