Qorvo Drives GaN into Ka-band to Improve Satellite Power Efficiency

Qorvo VSAT Power AmplifierQorvo has announced a new cost effective, high performance Ka-band 3 Watt GaN power amplifier for commercial VSAT satellite ground terminals transmitting high speed internet data. The TGA2636-SM GaN PA is fabricated utilizing Qorvo's 0.15-micron gallium nitride on silicon carbide (GaN on SiC) process, and operates across a 28 to 31 GHz frequency range while delivering 3 watts of saturated output power and 25 dB linear gain at 30% power-added efficiency (PAE) in a compact 5x5mm surface mount package.

Qorvo's 0.15um high-frequency GaN process delivers three times the power density of past generation GaAs pHEMT solutions. The technology is ideal for both saturated and linear high power amplifiers for Ka-band satellite ground terminal transmit applications. The TGA2636-SM delivers 3 watts of peak output power for traditional saturated power VSAT ground terminal applications, and when operated in a 'linear power back-off mode' required for higher–order modulation systems, enables more effective use of the Ka-band spectrum, resulting in higher data rates delivered to the user.

This new GaN VSAT power amplifier will begin sampling in the current quarter 2015, with production quantities available in the first quarter of calendar 2016. The TGA2636-SM is on display in Paris at the European Microwave Week, September 8-10 2015.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Power AmplifierGaNSatellite


  • Country: United States
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