NFC Test System Achieves Complete EMV L1 Qualification

NFC Test Set

Keysight Technologies and FIME today announced that the EMVCo global technical body has formally qualified the Keysight and FIME test tool for EMV Level 1 certification of payment terminals, cards and mobile devices. Fully qualified coverage is now uniquely supported with the Keysight T1141A Test Set. Developers can use just one test system to accelerate comprehensive product compliance, reducing both cost and time to market.

Many engineers in the NFC and contactless payment industry already use the T3111S to verify a range device types against the appropriate specifications. With the newly qualified test suites, device manufacturers, test labs and service providers have the ability to test to all of the very latest L1 requirements with a single versatile system. The test system also provides the features necessary to fully evaluate device performance and quickly root-cause issues.

The T3111S NFC Test System includes validated test suites for NFC Forum certification test including Digital Protocol, Analog, LLCP and SNEP. Proximity and vicinity ISO test suites are also supported. Keysight and FIME offer an easy upgrade path for customers to integrate EMVCo and NFC testing in their test systems.

Manufacturers across the payments industry can now confirm the compliance of their products to the EMV Level 1 specifications with confidence. Test laboratories worldwide can also benefit from the widest set of qualified EMV test libraries available on the market, in addition to technical support and training. The launch of this test system delivers value to both manufacturers and testing providers, and reflects FIME’s commitment to enhancing the global testing ecosystem.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & MeasurementNFC