CMT Showcases Innovative RF & Microwave Solutions at the European Microwave Week 2024

CMT Showcases Innovative RF & Microwave Solutions at the European Microwave Week 2024

CMT is showcasing its latest innovations at the European Microwave Week (EuMW) 2024, in Paris this week. At the CMT booth, visitors can explore a variety of cutting-edge demonstrations designed to enhance measurement accuracy and efficiency in microwave applications. We have listed key products and demonstrations that were showcased at their booth:

Embedded Solutions: This is a relatively new area for CMT, where they are embedding their VNA solutions into measurement systems for various applications. The demo at the booth highlighted the ability to embed a test module into measurement systems using portable, compact USB VNAs, showcasing versatility in various testing environments.

Multiport VNA: CMT is showcasing its Multiport VNA solutions, capable of performing 9 GHz multiport measurements with up to 16 ports. These systems have a new modern software GUI and a simplified calibration process, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

S5243 VNA (AFR Plug-in): The high-performance S5243 2-Port 44 GHz Analyzer is being showcased alongside the Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) Plug-in. This intuitive software tool enables precise measurements of hard-to-access devices, such as SMD-sized components mounted on fixtures.

Advanced Series VNAs: CMT’s upcoming Advanced Series VNAs will be available for 9 or 22 GHz frequencies, offering options for Direct Receiver Access, Frequency Extension, and Pulse Modulation capabilities within a single VNA unit.

PXIe-S5090: The PXIe-S5090 is being used to demonstrate its metrology-grade VNA performance and speed within NI’s PXI system, enabling testing of two-port devices from bench to production floor in a compact and modular design.

CMT is located at Stand 403M alongside Millibox, Eravant, Swissto12, and Plexsa. Click here to view comprehensive EuMW 2024 event coverage on Everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & MeasurementPXI