Bluetooth Smart Watch Platform Delivers a Two Year Battery Life

Nordic Smart Watch Platform

Nordic Semiconductor announced that a Swiss-engineered turnkey Bluetooth Smart watch platform has been developed using the Nordic nRF Series. This platform allows any watch manufacturer to launch a smartwatch extension to their range without becoming RF engineering experts, or significantly impacting battery life for normal watch functionality use.

This Technology Platform was developed by Soprod - A Swiss electronic movement giant, in conjunction with a top Swiss university. The platform is designed to be integrated into traditional watch form-factors without increasing their overall size. It also allows any watch manufacturer to launch a smartwatch extension to their range without becoming expert in RF technology.


The Platform employs a Nordic nRF51822 System-on-Chip (SoC) chip-scale package (CSP) based stepper motor and firmware module with support for up to three mechanical watch buttons. Soprod claims this module can run for up two-years from a regular CR2430 coin cell watch battery, with a three-year battery life roadmap when Soprod integrates Nordic’s newly-launched nRF52 Series of Bluetooth Smart SoCs. In addition to the motor module, Soprod says the platform includes a turnkey smartphone app and cloud services ready for unique brand customization and compatible with all major smartphone operating systems.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IoTWearables