IECL Launches Passive Phase Multiplication Technology For Ultra-Thin Printable Phased Array Antennas

IECL Launches Passive Phase Multiplication Technology For Ultra-Thin Printable Phased Array Antennas

International Electric Company Limited (IECL), inventor of CASSIOPeiA, a phased array antenna with full 360-degree electronic beam steering using all elements at all angles, launched its latest technical innovation, PERSeIDA Passive Phase Multiplication, at the IEEE Arrays conference in Boston, Mass., on October 15, 2024.

IECL patented the PERSeIDA technology to enable the design and manufacture of low-cost, ultra-thin, printable, phased array antennas with fine steering capability and full reciprocity. PERSeIDA lowers cost by reducing the number of active components, including expensive phase shifters, by up to 96 percent.

Arrays are implemented using commercial o\-the-shelf (COTS) microwave substrates. The result is an ultra-thin array with fine steering capability, low loss, full reciprocity and high-resolution angle-of-arrival information inherent to the receiving antenna.

Antennas designed with PERSeIDA can be used in existing applications to provide lower-cost or improved capability and in new applications to enable the use of steerable antennas where they are now precluded by economics, size or performance constraints. PERSeIDA can be applied at a wide range of frequencies, making it suitable for multiple applications, including:

A working model of PERSeIDA was demonstrated at the IEEE Arrays conferenceIan Cash, the inventor of CASSIOPeiA and PERSeIDA, also delivered his recently published paper “Passive Phase Multiplication as a Means Towards Low-Cost, High-Performance Phased Array Antennas” at the conference.

Click here to learn more about PERSeIDA from IECL.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaMilitarySatellite