802.11p Power Amplifier Solution Enhances Wireless Car Connectivity

Qorvo CarQorvo has announced two new 802.11p solutions optimized for high-performance networking in the connected car. Qorvo's 801.11p power amplifier (PA) enhances car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, analysis, and data exchange, helping manufacturers to develop 802.11 systems and applications that enhance automotive safety and improve the driving experience.

Qorvo is leveraging our broad expertise in high-reliability, high-performance RF solutions to enhance next-generation 802.11p automotive connectivity, with advanced product reliability that is essential to the automotive industry. The new 802.11p connected car solution has been selected by multiple manufacturers to be featured in their next-generation automotive connectivity reference designs. The QPA5525Q is one of the most linear solutions on the market, enhancing vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside data transmission for real-time notifications related to traffic congestion management and collision avoidance.

This high-power 802.11p PA module integrates an internally matched three-stage PA, compensated DC biasing circuit, and output power detection. The QPA5525Q is the most linear solution on the market, enhancing vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside data transmission for real-time notifications related to traffic congestion management and collision avoidance.

The QPA5525Q is undergoing Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) based testing – specifically AECQ-100 Grade 2 testing – which measures how the product performs between -40 and +105 degrees Celsius. The QPA5525Q was built for harsh automotive environments and includes a PA which provides high gain at 32dB, industry-leading Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) floor, and excellent spectral purity for 802.11p applications. Testing will allow automotive suppliers to design the 802.11p PA into their system with confidence in reliability. The QPA5525Q is now available in sampling quantities and will be in volume production in the fourth quarter of calendar 2015.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   802.11


  • Country: United States
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