R&S Implements 2 GHz Modulation Bandwidth in its Vector Signal Generator

Test & MeasurementR&D designers of modern radar systems and equipment that implements modern communication standards like 5G or IEEE 802.11 ad require instruments with an exceptionally wide signal generation bandwidth. The R&S SMW200A is the first vector signal generator that offers an internal modulation bandwidth of 2 GHz with a frequency range of up to 40 GHz in a user-friendly, single-box solution.

With the introduction of the new R&S SMW-B9 wideband baseband generation option, Rohde & Schwarz is providing leading-edge baseband capabilities in its R&S SMW200A high-end vector signal generator. The R&S SMW-B9 option extends RF modulation bandwidth to 2 GHz enabling R&D engineers to generate signals with extreme wide bandwidth up to microwave frequencies. No other vector signal generator in the market offers a fully calibrated wideband solution up to 40 GHz in a single device.

The R&S SMW-B9 option can be integrated twice, which makes it possible to generate two independent wideband signals with any type of modulation up to 20 GHz with one instrument. These test setup capabilities support challenging applications in the aerospace & defense and wireless communication area. Developers of advanced radar systems and emerging communication standards such as 5G cellular and IEEE 802.11ad will be among the first beneficiaries.

Radar module and receiver tests

In radar and aerospace designs, the 40-GHz version of the R&S SMW200A enables users to completely cover the K and Ka bands. The 2-GHz RF modulation bandwidth makes it possible to generate dedicated pulses with minimized pulse width and rise time or linear frequency modulated signals up to 2 GHz.

5G design test setup

For development teams working on identifying potential 5G wireless access technologies, the R&S SMW200A equipped with option R&S SMW-K114 (5G Candidates) provides powerful capabilities in a single instrument. Potential 5G candidate waveforms such as FBMC, UFMC, GFDM or f-OFDM can be created directly on the instrument allowing the user to analyze and understand design challenges. Typical test scenarios such as co-existence tests with LTE or wide bandwidth 5G signal generation in the microwave range are now possible with one single unit.

IEEE 802.11ad test setups

The performance of the R&S SMW200A also makes the instrument ideal for developers of devices and components that must comply with IEEE 802.11ad, the latest WLAN standard. The new option R&S SMW-K141 enables the generation of IEEE 802.11ad signals with a symbol rate of 1.76 Gsample/s in single carrier mode, requiring 2 GHz of bandwidth.

The new R&S SMW-B9, R&S SMW-K515 (memory extension to 2 Gsample) and R&S SMW-K526 (bandwidth extension to 2 GHz) will soon be available from Rohde & Schwarz.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement