W. L. Gore & Associates to Introduce High-Frequency Solutions at IMS 2016

W. L. Gore & Associates have expanded their microwave/RF solutions to operate at higher frequencies by designing cable assemblies that are reliable and perform over time. They are now addressing industry requirements for enhanced performance in the 60 to 70 GHz range. At this higher frequency range, there is an increased need to maintain measurement accuracy, especially in Network Analyzers, Oscilloscopes, Analog Signal Generators, Communication Testing, Chamber Testing, and mm-Wave to name a few key applications. To address these challenges, they have developed a new 70 GHz VNA cable assembly family - prototypes are currently available for evaluation.

They will be featuring this new high frequency family and other microwave cable assemblies at IMS 2016, which will be held from May 24-26, at the Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA.

They will also be highlighting their company's full Test & Measurement product line and will be demonstrating phase and amplitude stability with flexure during a live demonstration. This demonstration will feature GORE PHASEFLEX Microwave/RF Test Assemblies. These assemblies perform reliably over time without any physical changes, meaning these cable assemblies maintain electrical and mechanical integrity in environments where the other assemblies would be compromised. The unique dielectric and durable construction of GORE PHASEFLEX Microwave/RF Test Assemblies enable them to withstand continuous movement, flexing, and exposure to harsh conditions while still maintaining excellent signal integrity.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Cable Assemblies