Advantech Wireless Reports Surge in Demand of SSPAs and BUCs for Maritime Applications

Advantec Wireless

Advantech Wireless announced that they have delivered several hundred units of their World Leading GaN Technology based SSPAs and BUCs for maritime applications in the last fiscal quarter. This new generation of GaN based SSPA/SSPB/BUCs from Advantech Wireless offers an impressive increase in RF Linear Power performance, while reducing the energy consumption, weight and overall size.

The number of GaN based C-Band, Ku-Band, and X-Band units supplied to yachts, luxury cruise ships and military vessels, has increased significantly in the last few months. They have developed units that are specifically designed for maritime applications, where bandwidth demand have grown well beyond initial expectations, and where the high temperature in a radome challenges the reliability of high power amplifiers and frequency converters.

The unit size in maritime applications is extremely important as they need to be perfectly balanced on stabilized antenna systems. To survive within the stifling environment of a radome, the heat generation has to be minimized. Therefore, the improved reliability and smaller size of the New Generation of GaN based SSPAs allow perfect integration into maritime stabilized antennas.

Their GaN based SSPAs are gaining overwhelming market acceptance, and have been deployed/installed on thousands of vessels with outstanding performance. Their field MTBF has now reached over 200,000 hours of operation in very challenging environments.

Publisher: everything RF