Keysight & VDI to Develop World's First 1.5 THz Network and Spectrum Analysis Solution

Keysight Technologies has announced a collaboration with Virginia Diodes to create a 1.5 THz measurement solution for Chalmers University of Technology, a leading research university located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Already up and running in Chalmers’ national laboratory for terahertz characterization, this industry-first solution provides network and spectrum analysis capabilities for research on new materials, devices, and circuits for applications at micro, millimeter and sub-millimeter-wave frequencies.

Chalmers’ researchers are working in the terahertz gap between radio waves and infrared light. The measurement equipment from Keysight Technologies provides new capabilities that are enhancing their work with free-space, on-wafer and waveguide measurements in the terahertz gap.

The system is built around the Keysight PNA-X microwave network analyzer, which covers 10 MHz to 67 GHz and reaches 1.5 THz with external extension modules from VDI. Achieving an insightful understanding of device performance and behavior requires network and spectrum measurements, and the PNA family is the first to provide integrated spectrum analysis capability into the terahertz range. The ability to access both network and spectrum analysis capabilities in a single test setup and make multiple measurements through one set of connections - makes its much easier, saves time and enhances insight. Click here to learn more about this solution.

Publisher: everything RF