Android Based Solution Simplifies DAS and Small Cell Network Deployment

PCTEL has added a new software update to its SeeHawk Series of Analyzers. The SeeHawk Touch V1.4 is an Android-based network testing software which simplifies commissioning for DAS and small cell networks. In-building networks, in offices and other locations often require time intensive manual commissioning procedures. The SeeHawk Touch cuts through this complexity by automating many of the required measurements. It can reduce the time to commission a system by 50 percent.

New SeeHawk Touch features include an antenna verification tool and uplink testing for the Signal Analyzer. These features save engineers time while ensuring proper installation and configuration of network equipment. The antenna verification tool identifies malfunctioning or missing antennas in real time. SeeHawk Touch collects data from PCTEL’s IBflex scanning receiver. Utilizing the antenna verification feature, it checks antenna signals in the IBflex data against the network design, available via iBwave Mobile Planner and iBwave Mobile Note. The uplink testing feature enhances IBflex Signal Analyzer option. The Signal Analyzer option connects the IBflex to the radio-head end and quickly identifies issues such as high noise floors without additional, expensive equipment.

SeeHawk Touch enables PCTEL customers to leverage their IBflex investment. SeeWave, SeeHawk Engage, and the Signal Analyzer option all utilize the IBflex platform to deliver comprehensive benchmarking, optimization, and interference management services. SeeHawk Touch and SeeHawk Analytics transform IBflex data into graphic visualizations of network performance that inform engineering decisions.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   DASSoftwareSmall Cell


  • Country: United States
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