New MIPI D-PHY, C-PHY Test Solution Accelerates Development of Mobile, IoT Technologies

Keysight Technologies has launched a new test solution to help accelerate the development of next-generation mobile and IoT devices. The MIPI D-PHY and C-PHY solution supports MIPI Alliance's D-PHY v2.0/v2.1 specification and the C-PHY v1.0/v1.1 specification and conformance test suite.

The test solution consists of the Keysight U7250A MIPI C-PHY compliance test software and the U7250A MIPI C-PHY compliance test software for Infiniium, as well as the Keysight DSAV164A digital oscilloscope for transmitter test and the Keysight M8085A MIPI Receiver Test Solution software package running on the M8195A or M8190A arbitrary waveform generator for receiver test.

The MIPI Alliance's new MIPI D-PHY and C-PHY specifications address several rapidly changing markets. For the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) markets, each specification supports up to 9 Gbps and 11.4 Gbps (5Gsps) for the camera interface, enabling 8K 60 Hz video recording. For the autonomous car market, which requires multiple camera modules and sensors for detecting environmental conditions instead of human's eyes, the new specification addresses the low latency and virtual channel support requirements without increasing cable harness weight. Supporting these different markets requires higher data rate and more complex validation testing, which will become more challenging to the test and validation engineers.

The Keysight solution is also enabled to provide an 8 Gbps D-PHY signal in one M8195A AWG module, and can synchronize two or more M8195A modules to generate a 16 Gbps D-PHY signal. For C-PHY, the test solution can generate up to 8 Gsps C-PHY signal.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & MeasurementIoT