R&S Endorses GORE Cable Assemblies for use With its 20 GHz Multi-Port VNA

Rohde & Schwarz has endorsed GORE PHASEFLEX Microwave/RF Test Assemblies for use with its new R&S ZNBT20 multi-port VNA.

The new R&S ZNBT20 is the first true multi-port vector network analyzer in the microwave range with up to 16 integrated test ports. The unique hardware architecture from the R&S ZNBT8 has been extended to 20 GHz. This allows users to characterize multiple devices under test in parallel and thus increase throughput tremendously. The R&S ZNBT offers the high measurement performance of a two-port network analyzer at each of its test ports.

To address the demanding requirements of high-density and modular test instruments for wireless devices and aerospace systems, W. L. Gore & Associates introduced the GORE PHASEFLEX Microwave/RF Test Assemblies, Type 0N – a small, light and internally ruggedized assembly for modular, multi-port, and multi-site test applications. These high-density test assemblies ensure consistent, repeatable measurements with stable electrical performance up to 50 GHz. Click here for more information.

Publisher: everything RF