Kymeta Mobile SATCOM Terminals to Provide Connectivity During Total Solar Eclipse in Greenville

Kymeta, the company delivering on the promise of global, mobile connectivity, is to provide testbed connectivity to Greenville, S.C. police department in wake of national concerns over LTE capacity and capabilities during the total solar eclipse. The city expects to welcome more than 100,000 to 500,000 visitors during the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse event.

Kymeta is taking its satellite-connected Toyota RAV4 on the road to provide field trial mobile communications to the Greenville Police Department as cellular data networks become bogged down. The Kymeta vehicle is equipped with a Kymeta KyWay™ mobile satellite terminal, featuring mTenna™ technology.

Kymeta’s selection of Greenville was not an accident. They chose to provide this testbed service to Greenville because they recognized the significance of the need here. Cellular data coverage is a concern for cities along the path of totality nationwide, but of all the cities on the list, Greenville is expected to have one of the largest number of visitors.

Greenville has a population of 68,000 and has been recognized as one of the best places to view the 2017 total solar eclipse, gaining the attention of news media, eclipse chasers and NASA, which has an official viewing location at the Roper Mountain Science Center. This popularity, and the surge in visitors that could increase the city’s day-of population by up to seven times the norm, will impact communications systems.

The significant increase in visitors will have an impact on cellular networks, which are likely to face decreased capacity. The impact will be due to the increase in people uploading photos and video of the eclipse to social media networks. According to Greenville Police - Communication is critical to ensure timely response to incidents and in keeping the public safe. Having the extra testbed support Kymeta is offering will provide them with an additional means of communication.

The eclipse will allow Kymeta to test its technology in a real-world situation where terrestrial communication networks are likely to be stretched beyond capacity. Over the last several months, the Kymeta Government Solutions team has been performing extensive trials with military and law enforcement organizations, validating Kymeta technology as a force enabler. The City of Greenville IT team and police department have authorized Kymeta to use the eclipse as an opportunity to again put their technology to the test. Kymeta can use what they learn to make further improvements for its federal, state and local government customers.

Kymeta’s connected car, and first-of-its-kind antenna technology and satellite connectivity service, have wider implications for the future. Kymeta’s road team is set to provide emergency mobile communication services to the Greenville Police Department before, during and after the eclipse event on Aug. 21.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaSatellite