New Cost Effective GPS Modules from Linx Technologies

The new R4 and F4 Series GPS modules from Linx Technologies make it cost effective to add GPS capability to new and existing applications through a simple serial interface. Designed with the SiRF-IV chipset, the R4 and F4 Series offer enhanced GPS solutions over older SiRF-III, with improved accuracy to 2.5 meters, 2X faster cold start times using CGEE 3 day satellite prediction, built-in jammer remover, and better reliability by tracking up to 48 satellites simultaneously.

The R4 Series GPS module can be used as a drop-in replacement for the existing Linx SG Series GPS module, adding SiRF-IV technology to existing designs at a lower cost. The R4 Series offers an operating voltage range from 3.0V to 3.6V, while providing a typical 0.43mA hibernate mode for extending battery life in low power applications.

The F4 Series GPS module is ideal for GPS applications where Low-Power is required. With an operating voltage of 1.8V and low power modes such as Trickle-Power and Push-to-Fix, the F4 module will hibernate with current draw as low as 20uA. Using the supplied software commands, the F4 Series GPS module also offers GPIO capability, which allows the application software to monitor and control events without the need of a microcontroller. For example, a button connected to a GPIO could be pressed to tell the software to change GPS modes and then turn on a light using another GPIO when done.

To aid rapid development, the R4 and F4 Series GPS modules are available as part of a master development system. The system comes with a development board for benchmarking and prototyping, an evaluation module containing the GPS module and surrounding components, an on-board display for mobile evaluation, and a USB interface for custom application design. To help you get started, the system includes batteries, antenna, extra module, and software to easily view NMEA data and satellite information. For more information about the R4 and F4 Series, call Linx at +1 800 736 6677 (+1 541 471 6256 outside the United States).

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GPSGNSS