PCTEL Joins MulteFire Alliance to Boost LTE use in Unlicensed and Shared Spectrum Bands

PCTEL has now joined the MulteFire Alliance, an international consortium established to define and promote MulteFire. MulteFire enables LTE-based cellular and Internet of Things (IoT) network configurations operating solely in unlicensed and shared spectrum. The announcement was made at the ongoing MWC Americas event in San Francisco.

By enabling standalone configurations in unlicensed and shared spectrum, it makes high performance wireless technology available to a variety of users beyond the established carrier base. Solutions based on MulteFire technology will enable enterprise, venues, and ISPs to deploy neutral host small cells, providing hyper-dense mobile connectivity. Industrial users will be able to deploy reliable wireless IoT networks without the need to purchase spectrum.

PCTEL’s IBflex and MXflex scanning receivers and antenna solutions currently support all MulteFire frequencies. PCTEL’s scanning receivers provide RF measurements to support planning and configuring of wireless networks. It also offers a complete portfolio of antennas as well as embedded systems design and integration expertise for small cells and the industrial Internet of Things.

The flex scanning receivers are precision RF measurement tools based on software-defined radio technology, ideal for assessing technology performance and identifying sources of interference. They will adapt to MulteFire technology regardless of the spectrum being used.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTESpectrum


  • Country: United States
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