LocusUSA Launches Over-the-Air Radio Analyzer “Service” to the Land Mobile Radio Market

LocusUSA, a leader in the area of RF signal capture for radio analysis and location has announced that it will officially launch DiagnostX: an Over-the-Air Radio Analyzer Service in January 2018. This service will enable LMR (Land Mobile Radio) managers to have their active radios evaluated for performance and alignment, over-the-air in real-time without user intervention.

LocusUSA will provide the monitoring equipment and manage the data from their Network Operations Center in Florida. Once the scans have been completed, a comprehensive report will be sent to the customer showing the alignment characteristics by radio ID. The detailed monthly report will pinpoint the radios that have “Failed”, “Passed” and “Never Received” based on customer-defined thresholds. This service supports P25 Trunked, P25 Conventional and Legacy systems. It can be acquired with existing maintenance or operational funds.

The benefits of the DiagnostX: an Over-the-Air Radio Analyzer Service:

  • It is a cost-effective way to identify radios in need of service, while well-aligned ones can remain deployed in the field
  • Ensures optimal system performance
  • Resolves the issue of whether it is the network or the subscriber radios at fault
  • It is a nonintrusive, proactive radio maintenance management tool

It has been an accepted practice with LMR networks to check the alignment of each radio annually. Due to budget constraints, manpower shortages, and other logistical issues, many system managers postpone maintenance, while others take a 'fix it when it fails' approach. By measuring radios, long-range, over-the-air, they are able to determine which radios need to be brought in for immediate service, and which radios can remain operational in the field.

LocusUSA will be providing an exclusive look at the new DiagnostX: an Over-the-Air Radio Analyzer Service, at a launch webinar on Thursday, October 19 at 1:00 pm EST.

Publisher: everything RF